Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Best place to get your hearing aid fixed

If you suspect your hearing aid needs repair, take it back to the hearing care center where you purchased it, or another reputable office. Many times, hearing aids will require programming after repair.
Due to the complex circuitry in today’s hearing aids, having them repaired by the original hearing aid manufacturer is the bestoption. If your hearing aids are under warranty from the manufacturer, this can be done at a minimal charge to you, the hearing aid user.
Online or mail-order repair services may not be able to program your hearing aid back to its original settings. This can cause many problems, including difficulty in hearing, whistling and even severe feedback. It is best to return to the local office where your records, including fitting notes and hearing aid settings, are available to the provider and they can restore the hearing aid to the optimal settings for your hearing loss.
If your hearing aid is not under warranty, most manufactures will offer a 6-month or 12-month warranty with the new repair. Contact your local hearing care provider for specific charges in your particular situation.
If you have any questions about hearing loss or hearing aids, contact Hearing & Balance Associates at (850) 553-4327 or (850) 298-8407

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